Apr 28, 2008

Reflections on Solitude

"I left the house while they slept, to walk the noise out of myself as if the voices were in me and beyond me. I walk this earth remembering a world that died within me escaping the loneliness that follows. I am the living essence of genetic codes possessing lost ancient dreams, sleeping in the shade of ageless fern forest shadows. I am bound by promises that have left me buried in the space between time past and time future.

I see beyond my days of ravens feasting in the boneyards of forgotten memories and dead men crowding the streets. I am kin to river dolphins and feathered wrens. Breathing the same air, we survive. I have created a world of my own design where all creatures sing of sunsets and moons rising. I seek a road unchosen and weep for those who live in fear. I seek a life where my true nature awakens unfolding as the morning rose, releasing myself to the deeper aspects of solitude." ~CWB~