May 13, 2008

The Weight of a Stone

The chaotic flutters of a dying moth churn the dim light into a storm of winged dust beating its insect brain against a hot glowing lightbulb. Its ritual dance is a prologue to the nightly news as soldiers spill their blood in the desert sands and the networks editorial guts spew onto the floor. Soft shadows mingle as the lowering sun falls through the windows flickering on television images of Somali stick children eating flies and bleeding from open sores. Above it all the corporate guru's of Wall Street negotiate their way into eternal wealth defining the meaning of life in terms of nuclear tonnage and rampage the land with secret grunts and groans with no particular meaning.

God has yet to arrive in this quadrant of the universe. Galactically speaking the neighborhood is a vast, cold void. And the religious meek seek salvation through endless prayers and petitions; personal interviews with the Almighty have not yet been granted. Although a harmonic convergence for the Aquarian Nation is rumored about. To spend just one day in solitude with time for reflection and healing, the inner voice, the pilgrim within, is branded irresponsible. Consider the weight of a stone within the stone. Consider the weight of a soul within the soul. Do not carry this burden lightly. ~CWB~